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  • tun0sparaiso


I guess this is my last greeting to all of you :/ Welcome aboard.

I would have never thought that it would be so hard to write my final post. I guess this is the end of the line. I don't think that I will be writing posts anymore as this is our final task. I didn't know I liked writing posts this much but I feel sad now for leaving this activity.

It is currently 02.24 am and just got back to my dorm room. I was enjoying the snow with my roommate. There is a beautiful view out here. We didn't wanna come back to our room because we both love the snow. We were just going to sleep and then my roommate remembered that we were to write our final posts. In a hurry, we got back up so I am here and writing my last words. I guess this is the end now. Goodbye...

To be honest, at first, I didn't like the idea of creating a blog page to share our work but, there is a different feeling in my heart and it says don't quit writing because this page has been a great friend to me and we shared so much. But all good things must come to an end :( I look back and consider myself proud of the work I've achieved so far thanks to this, blog posting. Never worried about grammar or any other thing as this is a free platform where I can share my genuine ideas. This whole blog posting stuff was pretty fun I guess. Although there were activities like movie posters or infographics, which were my least favorite, I can say that ı enjoyed the whole process. It was both fun and informative at the same time. Thanks for everything <3

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