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  • tun0sparaiso


Hey, welcome

Our final project, DIGITAL STORYTELLING... Me and my friends I (Their blog links are down below) Alihan Hatipoğlu, Celalcan Kaya, and Mert Asan made a PSA ( Public Servis Announcement) about a common problem called "bullying". We took videos of scenes about the bullying process and Alihan edited them with his incredible skills. I played as the bully as you see in the picture, Can players ad the "nerd" that was being bullied and Mert played as the teacher who helped him. We had a lot of fun while making this video and I guess we've created a really good thing.

We used Alihan's phone and some other materials in our school to shoot the scenes and he edited them later. It didn't take so much time as we had already considered the scenes. We used the classroom, hallway, and even the bathroom the reflect every possible scenario of bullying but the time limitation made us delete some of them. I wish we didn't have time limitations in our video as I am sure that we could have reflected what we had in our minds in a better way.

Knowing that this will be our last project, I was also thinking that how am I going to leave all this stuff about creating some digital things and writing a post about it. I guess I will mention what I feel in me while writing my "goodbye" post. Until then, take care, and if you are interested, here is the link to our video.

Our group participant's blog links:

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